5 Benefits of Camera Rental in Malaysia

Benefits of Renting A Camera

Why Camera Rental?

In this day in age, the cost of ownership has gone up. Moore’s Law trajectory & gadgets are being replaced with newer technology between 6 months to 1 year. Doesn’t this sound like a good reason to rent a camera in Malaysia?

Well, there is definitely more reason to why we should be consider camera rentals. With newer technology being replaced in a year, we are suddenly left to find that items we have owned are no longer of value. With cameras, the same rule applies. At one point in time, the primary advantage of a digital camera over another was the megapixels. Today, that has become a play of multiple other features, from intelligent image sensors to AI induced camera sensors. This makes your decision on which camera to buy becomes even harder. I would start my decision making process by reviewing this article on What camera should I buy? to narrow down my choices.

How do I know what camera do I want?

By now, you might have an idea of what camera you like. However do I know if that is really the camera I want? Isn’t that a tough question to answer. Typically, if you are new to photography, its safe to stick to the point and shoot options. However if you are somewhat experienced in photography, and you know the difference of aperture priority vs shutter speed, and know the impact of ISO to your images, then the obvious choice for you to be looking at a Digital SLR camera.

Camera Rental

Keeping a Point & Shoot Handy

Keep in mind that many professionals also carry a point and shoot around. The advantage of literally picking up a point and shoot out of their pockets and shooting for a candid moment. These point and shoots also can overwhelm you with the amount of features and functions available within them, the trick is to keep to what you actually need.

If you are ready to invest in a camera & you want to be sure, your best option is to rent a camera. To some, investing in a  point and shoot for about RM 1,000 is big money and to some others, investing in a DSLR worth RM 5,000 is a lot of money. Whichever the case is for you, as long as you are spending money, its is worth being sure about which camera you should purchase.

Camera Rental
Camera Rental | Point and Shoot Camera

What’s a Camera without a Good Lens?

If you have purchased a DSLR before, you know there will be other others to purchase right after. The next most expensive item that you’ll need to purchase is a camera lens. Be it a fixed lens or a zoom lens, I’m sure you want to ensure you are happy with the lens f-stop and how it performs. We know that the limitation of these devices or gadgets imposes the creative challenge on the photographer.

This is where the ability to rent a camera as opposed to buying it will give you the opportunity to test the camera, lens and other gears to your hearts content before purchasing.

In my experience, I have preferred to rent cameras and lenses and I’ve done so many times over the years. I’m sharing the lowdown on when you should rent gear, and exactly how (and where) to do it.

When would you rent a camera instead of buying it?

I’m sure you’d have many reasons to rent a camera instead of buying. From always using the most current equipment, avoiding the cost of expensive cameras to many others. I’ve listed my top 3 reason when I would recommend someone to rent instead of buying.

Camera Rental
Camera Rental & Videography Equipment

1. To test it out before a purchase

Try before you buy. The best way to try a camera or lens is by renting. When you’re ready to upgrade your camera and have narrowed down your options, it may be worth it to rent before buying. Dropping RM 3,000 – RM 8,000 on a purchase is a big deal for most of us. Renting helps ensure the gear is a good fit for your needs.

Camera Rental
Pre-wedding shot gigs

I recommend lining the rental period up with a short trip or event where you know you’ll be using your camera. This gives you the chance to use it in a variety of lighting situations and for different types of subjects, as well as to get a feel for what it’s like to carry it around with you all day.

Some people simply can’t afford a DSLR, but are skilled. If you can take good pictures and make money from it, it might be worth you renting the camera for the weekend for a scheduled wedding photography gig. On average you can earn from RM 2,000 – RM 5,000 doing wedding photography. Renting a Nikon D7200 with 18-55mm kit lens for the weekend would not cost you more than RM 300. After inuring the camera rental cost, you would have earned nothing less than RM 1,700. That is pretty decent income for the weekend.

2. Specialty lenses

Specialty lens aren’t used on a regular basis. However the cost of purchasing it is in the thousands. If you’re going on a once in a lifetime wildlife safari, it is probably wiser to rent a AF-S Nikkor 200-500mm F/5.6 instead of spending thousands of dollars on one.  Renting is a great solution for a time like this.

3. To play with new gear!

Recently I rented a 12-24 mm lens, which is way out of the norm for me (I love details, close-ups, and the compression of longer lenses). If I’m already renting a camera for a trip, wedding, or event, I might add on something “fun” to play with.

Benefits of Camera Rental in Malaysia

The cost of renting is typically much lower than cost of buying the gear. This becomes more relevant if it is not something you are going to use too often. Especially if you are considering buying expensive lens like a mega telephoto lens, fish-eye, or tilt-shift lens.

  • Ability to try out the equipment and see if it suits your style of photography. Once you know you like a piece of gear, you can make the investment and know you’re making the right choice.
  • Using a rental as a backup system for assignments especially events like weddings or concerts.
  • Traveling light and having gear shipped directly to your hotel is an option many photographers mention as a plus for renting. This also eliminates travel-related anxiety around lost luggage and excess baggage charges.
  • Using a rental when your main gear is out for repair. This let’s you keep working while you wait for repairs to be completed.
  • Eliminating buyer’s remorse. It is true that not every piece of gear works for everyone. Often times we buy gear because a certain photographer that we admire has the same equipment, only to be disappointed that our pictures are no where like theirs.

How (and where) can you rent cameras and lenses in Malaysia?

If you’re lucky enough to have a reputable local camera store near you, there’s a chance that they have gear for rent. The main benefits to renting locally are that you won’t have to pay shipping, it’s easier to get a last-minute or single day rental, and you’re supporting a local business in your community (something I always encourage!).

However, many of us don’t have that option, and online rentals make it easy to get access to a variety of gear. Over the years of shooting weddings and events as a side gig, I’ve tried out several of the big online camera rental stores, and the one that has stood out from the pack is RentSmart Asia. I have rented from them several times, so I have a firm handle on what they do well and how to get the most out of your camera or lens rental experience. RentSmart has options for users to rent from anywhere in Malaysia.


Regardless of what method you choose to rent camera equipment, definitely try out gear before you make the investment to purchase it. The last thing you want is buying equipment that benefits your particular style of photography.`

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